1、result,effect,outcome,ending。consequence,fruit result 普通用词,多指好的结果.另:比分,成绩;effect 名词:效果,影响。动词:实现;outcome 多指成就,成果;ending 结局,结尾;consequence 多指不良的结果,后果;fruit 水果,产物。 [更多咨询添加张老师微信:zsf19910720 咨询]。
2、feature,appearance,virtue,character,characteristics feature 1,特色,2,面貌,相貌;appearance 1,出现,露面 2,外观,外貌,外表;virtue 1,美德,2,优点,长处;character 特征,品质,角色;characteristics 特性,特色。
3、accident,incident,event,conflict,trouble,occurrence,crash,crisis accident 事故,意外。意想不到的事情,往往引起损伤或伤害;incident 事件,小插曲。事变(外交,政治中的政变);event 特指重大事件;conflict 冲突,矛盾;trouble 烦恼,麻烦;occurrence 1,发生,出现。2,突发事件;crash 使(飞机)坠毁、使(车辆)猛撞等;crisis 危机,紧急关头。[更多咨询添加张老师微信:zsf19910720 咨询]。
4、currency,income,wage,bonus,salary,award,reward,fee,allowance,honour,benefit,profit,interest, prize, wealth,capital,money,cash,coin,fund,debt,loan currency 流通货币,经济学用词;Income 泛指收入;Wage 特指工资;Bonus 指提成的奖金;Salary = wage + bonus 薪水;Award 授予的奖项,包括奖励的奖金;Reward 回报,报酬,酬金;Fee 泛指费用;Allowance 表示津贴,补贴;honour 荣誉,名誉。常用 in honour of ,以….为纪念,向…表示敬意;benefit 名词:利益。动词:对….有益 be benefit to;profit 名词:1,好处,益处。2,利润。动词:有益于,有利于 vt,及物动词;interest 名词:1,兴趣,爱好,2,利息。[更多咨询添加张老师微信:zsf19910720 咨询]。
动词:对….感兴趣;prize 奖金,奖品;Wealth 财产,财富。既可指金钱财富,也可指精神财富;Capital 可以是形容词和名词。1,形容词:大写的,首要的,首都的。
2,名词:大写字母,首都,表示金钱时指:本钱,本金;Money 钱的统称,可以是纸币,也可以是硬币,也可以是用作货币的其他物品;Cash 指可以兑换的现金或现款;Coin 硬币;fund基金;debt债务;loan 贷款,借款。
5、consideration,intention,determination, judgement,opinion,estimate evaluation consideration 1,考虑,2,照顾,关心;intention 意图,目的;determination 决心,决定;judgement/ judgment 判断,审判,裁决;opinion 观点,想法;estimate 估计,估价;Evaluation 评价,估价。 [更多咨询添加张老师微信:zsf19910720 咨询]。
6、observation,obligation,objection,obstacle,object,obedience observation 注意,观察;obligation 义务,责任;objection 反对;obstacle 阻碍,障碍;object 名词:物体,对象。动词:object反对+ to;obedience 服从,遵守。
7、position,career,profession,work,job,occupation,vocation,employment position 职位,职务。另:方位,位置,态度,立场等;career 职业生涯,终生从事的职业;profession 尤指需要专门知识或特殊训练的)职业(如医学、法律、工程、教学等);work 强调工作的内容,不可数。可以做动词;job,强调工作的份数,可数;occupation 经常担任的行业,不一定有报酬。常常用于写简历; [更多咨询添加张老师微信:zsf19910720 咨询]。
vocation 是指经过训练后从事的职业,需要一定职业技能;employment 带有雇佣关系的职业,领取工资以谋生计,有较固定工作的职业。
8、pace,rhythm,step,measure,rate,ratio , speed,
pace 步伐,节奏;rhythm (文学、艺术、戏剧等中的)节奏,韵律;step 脚步,台阶,阶层;measure 1,措施。2,测量,度量;rate 比例。常见搭配: at the rate of 以...的速度或比例;ratio 专业术语,比例,比率。用于经济学,数学,法律中,等;Speed 速度。常见搭配:At the speed of。
cheque 支票 ;receipt 收据,发票;ticket 普通用词,票 ;label 标签,标记。指详细的表示,如商品标签;mark 商标,标志。简单的记号。多指商标;sign 符号,记号。如交通标志;signal 信号 ;symbol 符号,象征。指具有象征意义的标志,如十字架标志;code 密码,代码 ;stamp 邮票 。
size 尺寸,大小 ;length 长度 ;height 高度,身高 ;breadth 宽度,幅度。不但可以指物体的宽度。=width,还可以指胸襟、见解、观点、兴趣等的)宽广,宽宏(大度)。 [更多咨询添加张老师微信:zsf19910720 咨询]。
11、mind,view,vision,landscape ,picture,look,mood,temper,humor,passion,emotion,spirit,feeling ,attitude
mind 观点 ,想法。心里想的观点;view 看法,观点,看见的东西产生的观点另:景色;Vision 视觉,视力,视野。书面用词,含义广泛,指人的视力或视野,也可指远见卓识;Landscape 风景;Picture 画面;Look 动词:看。名词:表情,神情;mood 心情,情绪;temper 脾气。 Lose one’s temper , out of temper;humor 幽默,诙谐;passion 激情,热情;emotion 情感,情绪。(如爱、恨、惧、忧、怒等);spirit 精神,心灵,灵魂;Feeling 感觉;Attitude 态度。 [更多咨询添加张老师微信:zsf19910720 咨询]。
assurance 1,保证。2,保险,主要指人寿保险;insurance 任何类型的保险,也可指人寿保险;guarantee 保证书,保质期;safety 安全,平安。
13、no, none,neither,nothing,anything,something, one… the other, some …. The others, others, the others, another
no 形容词,修饰名词或代词;none 三者以上都不;neither 两者都不;nothing but 只不过;anything + but 根本不,绝不;one…. the other 一个,另一个;some …. the others, 一些,另一些;others,= other thing/ people;the others = the rest;another 泛指另一个,没有一定的范围限制。在一定的范围之内,一个另一个用one…. the other,一定范围内三者以上,除去一部分,另一部分用 the others。
14、the other day ,the next day, the following day ,in two days,[更多咨询添加张老师微信:zsf19910720 咨询]。
A. depend B. defend C. defeat D. defense
15、The students were not____to leave the classroom without an adequate reason.
A. permitted B. remitted C. admitted D. emitted
16、I don’t think it is easy to ______ your weight if keep on eating that way.
A. decrease B. reduce C. decline D. shorten
17、The guide is ____ a line of tourists through the narrow passage with the help of his
A.concluding B.containing C.conducting D.conquering
18、It _______ the village where we spent our holidays last summer. [更多咨询添加张老师微信:zsf19910720 咨询]。
A. reminds me of B. reminds me toC. remembers me of D. remembers me to
19、It’s too expensive for me. I can’t _______it.
A. spend B. cost C. pay D. afford
20、I didn’t know what to do but then an idea suddenly______ to me.
A. happened B. entered C. occurred D. hit
21. Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to ______ any further responsibilities.
A. take on B. bring on C. get on D. carry out
22. Dear, do send the children to bed. I can't _______their noise any longer.
A. put off B. put up C. stand up D. put up with
23. Will you please ______ my parcel at the post-office as you pass?
A. pick out B. pick up C. take out D. take up
49 24. In making such models, skills as well as thorough knowledge of plant structure are
A. called on B. called up C. called for D. called in
25. The little boy ______ his hiding place when he coughed.
A. gave away B. gave up C. got away D. got in
26. None of us expected the chairman to ______ at the party. We thought he was still in hospital.
A. turn in B. turn up C. turn over D. turn down
27. When he heard the bad news, he ______ completely.
A. broke away B. broke up C. broke down D. broke out
28. If I had more time, I would ____ golf as a hobby.
A.take in B.take on C.take up D.take over
29. Would you like me ______ the radio a bit?
A. turning down B. turned down C. turn down D. to
turn down
30. Since the road is wet this morning, ______ last night.
A. it must have rained B. it must rain C. it must be raining D. it must have been rained
31. As teachers we should concern ourselves with what is said, not what we think ______.
A. ought to be said B. must say C. have to be said D. need to say
32. You ______ all those calculations. We have a computer to do that sort of thing.
A. must not have done B. should not have C. can not have done D. needn’t have done
33. With all this work on hand, he ______ to the cinema last night.
A. mustn’t go B. wouldn’t go C.oughtn’t go D. shouldn’t have gone
34. “I saw Mary in the library yesterday.” “You _______her, she is still in hospital.”
A. mustn’t have seen B. could not see C. can’t have seen D. must not see
35. He regretted ______ the decision so hastily.
A. make B. making C. to make D. have made
36. The speech which he made ______ the project has bothered me greatly.
A. being concerned B. concerning C. be concerned D. concerned
37. --- “ Joe doesn’t seem like the same person.”
---“______so much in the war has made him more thoughtful.” A. To have seen B. Having seen C. His seeing D. For him to see
38. He had no choice but ______ to see him.
A. to go B. went C. going D. go
39. Although young, Fred could resist ______ what to do and what not to do. A. to be told B. having been told C. to have been told D. being told
40. No matter how frequently ______, the works of Beethoven always attract a large audience.
A. performing B. performed C. to be performed D. being performed
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